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Discussion Agendas | 100 Humans EP.7 Can You Trust Your Senses? on Netflix

by FrankUniq 2023. 8. 26.

Agendas of 100 Humans EP.7 Can You Trust Your Senses?


1. Do you believe there is a sixth sense?


2. What sense do you think you could not live without?


3. Blindfolded humans pointed north with their outstretched arm.

3-1. How confident are you in your sense of direction?

3-2. Do you often get lost or confused when traveling or exploring new places?

3-3. Do you rely on devices such as smartphones, GPS, maps, etc. to navigate or find your way?

3-4. How do you think technology has affected your sense of direction?


4. Blindfolded humans guessed which room contains old people or young people based on their smell.

4-1. Before you watched the show, did you think that you can tell the difference between the way an old person smells and a young person?

4-2. What do you think about the results of the smell test – Pre-sweat: 56% correct, 44% incorrect & After-sweat: 92% correct, 8% incorrect?


5. The humans in Room A spent one hour listening to slow, sumber music, while the humans in Room B spent an hour listeng to upbeat, happy music.

5-1. Can music make you risk your life? Can a sad song ruin your day? Can sound affect your behavior?

5-2. Do you think the humans who allowed Jack Daggar to throw the knife are actually big risk takers or the type of music the humans listened to affected their willingness to take risks?

5-3. Would you be willing to stand in front of the knife thrower?


6. Can context affect how we perceive reality?

6-1. Do you think that tap water has the identical purity and taste as bottled water, or do you think that bottled water is better?


7. Do you think that music or video can affect how things taste?

