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The Bold Type S1E1 & S1E2 | 넷플릭스 영어회화모임 2회차 agendas

by FrankUniq 2023. 4. 28.

Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot"

1. Can you give me a brief summary of what happened in the episode? What were the main events and conflicts in the episode?
2. What did you think of Jane’s decision to write a story about why her ex broke up with her? How would you handle a similar situation?
3. How did you feel about Kat’s decision to help Adena with her visa issue?
4. What are some of the challenges and opportunities that Sutton faces as an assistant at Scarlet? How does she balance her personal and professional goals?
5. How does Jacqueline inspire and mentor the three main characters? What are some of the qualities that make her a good leader?
6. How does the show depict the culture and lifestyle of New York City? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of living and working in such a fast-paced and diverse environment?

Season 1 Episode 2 "O Hell No"

1. What is the significance of the title "O Hell No" and how does it relate to the episode's plot?
2. How do you view Jacqueline’s role as a mentor and a boss to Jane? Do you think she is supportive or demanding?
3. How do you relate to Sutton’s dilemma between pursuing a practical career or following her passion for fashion? What would you do in her situation? Do you agree with her choice to turn down the ad sales job?
4. What do you think of the advice that Sutton got from Alex and Richard about her career? Do you think they had her best interests at heart?
5. What's your dream? Do you have something you've always loved like Sutton?
6. What are some of the things that you learned or enjoyed from watching this episode? What are some of the things that you disliked or criticized?

표현 정리



1. toil away in the assistant trenches : 어시스턴트로 고생하다

  • toil away: to work very hard for a long period of time
  • the trenches: a place or situation in which people do very difficult work

2. I had no idea that ... would ... : ...가 ...할 거라곤 생각 못 했다

3. broach uncomfortable concerns with ... : ...에게 불편한 고민을 털어놓다

4. I'd like to flag a concern about ... : ...에 대해 우려가 된다.

5. I'd rather swap it out and avoid any kind of backlash: 교체해버리고 어떠한 반발도 피하는 게 낫겠다


6. it's a moot point. : 문제가 있다

  • moot muːt : 논쟁의 여지가 있어 답이 나오지 않는; 중요하지 않은. 현재 상황에는 적용되지 않는 점
  • often discussed or argued about but having no definite answer : It's a moot point whether building more roads reduces traffic congestion.
  • not important or not relevant, therefore not worth discussing : We don't have enough money to go, so it's all moot anyway.
  • A fact that does not apply to the current situation.

7. renege rɪˈneɡ : 취소하다, 약속을 어기다.

  • To fail to keep a promise/a deal/an agreement/commitment : If you renege on the deal now, I'll fight you in the courts.
  • To go back on one's word: He has reneged on his promise.
  • To not do what you previously agreed to do

8. at the last minute : 막판에
9. No pun intended : 진심이다 (말장난이 아니다) pun: 말장난, 신소리. intend: 의도하다
10. move on: (다음으로) 넘어가다. (다른 장소로/주제로/사람으로)


  • I get it. 그래. 이해해.
  • I'm just gonna cut to the chase. 간단히 말할게.
  • Do you have any specific notes? 특별한 지시 사항이 있으세요?
  • You're holding back. 너무 자제하고 있어.
  • I've been waiting for the right moment to come talk to you. 말을 걸 적당한 시기를 기다렸어요.
  • I should be ecstatic. 기뻐서 펄쩍 뛰어야 하는데.
