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The Bold Type S1E1 Discussion Agendas _1회차 피드백

by FrankUniq 2023. 4. 22.

Here are some agendas based on the summary of the first episode of The Bold Type :

1. Summarize the main events and plot points of the first episode.
What happpend to each of the main characters?
What were the conflicts and resolutions? What were the cliffhangers or surprises?

2. Discuss Jane's dilemma of writing a personal story about why her ex broke up with her.
How would you feel in her situation?
Do you think it was fair of Jacqueline to assign her such a sensitive topic?
How did Jane handle it?

3. Share your opinions on Kat and Adena's relationship.
What did you think of Kat's initial reaction to Adena's photos?
How did their connection develop over the course of the episode?
What challenges do you think they will face as a couple?

4. Talk about Sutton's career aspirations and her secret affair with Richard.
Do you think Sutton is happy as an assistant?
What are her goals and dreams?
How does her relationship with Richard affect her work and personal life?
Do you support or oppose their romance?

5. Explore the role of Jacqueline as a mentor, boss, and leader.
What are her qualities and skills?
How does she influence and inspire her team?
How does she balance her professional and personal life?

6. Relate the show to your own lives.
How do you relate to the characters and their situations?
Have you ever faced similar challenges or opportunities? How did you deal with them?
What advice would you give to the characters or to each other?

7. Predict what will happen next in the show.
What are some of the questions or mysteries that you have after watching the first episode?
What are some of the challenges or opportunities that the characters will face?
What are some of your hopes or fears for them?

8. Rate the episode on a scale of 1 to 10.
What did you like or dislike about it?
What were some of the highlights or lowlights?
How did it compare to your expectations?
Would you recommend it to others?

The Bold Type is an American comedy-drama television series that premiered on Freeform in 2017 and ended in 2021. It is inspired by the life and career of former editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan magazine Joanna Coles, who is executive producer of the series. The show follows the lives of three millennial women, Jane, Kat, and Sutton, who work for a fictional global women’s magazine called Scarlet in New York City. The show explores various topics such as feminism, sexuality, identity, romance, friendship, and career. The show has received positive reviews from critics and audiences for its portrayal of strong female characters and relevant social issues.

cliffhanger는 이야기나 상황의 결말이나 결과가 불확실하게 흥미롭게 만들어지는 것을 말합니다. 독자나 시청자가 다음에 무슨 일이 일어날지 궁금하게 만듭니다. 한국어로는 '흥미진진한 상황' 등으로 번역할 수 있습니다.
A cliffhanger is a type of ending in which there is no clear resolution given to the reader or viewer. The reader or viewer is left to interpret the ending himself of herself by inferring what may have happened next. A cliffhanger is usually used to create suspense and excitement, and to make the reader or viewer want to know more. A cliffhanger can also be a situation that is very uncertatin or thrilling, where two opposite results are possible and you do not know what the result will be until the last moment.
For example, an election can be a cliffhanger if the outcome is very close. A cliffhanger is a common word in English, especially in stories or situations that are exciting or adventurous. Many of Hitchcock's movies are real cliffhangers.
You might hear or read this word in books, movies, TV shows, news articles, or conversations about them that are related to exciting or suspenseful stories or situations. For example, you might hear someone say "I can't wait to watch the next episode of that show. It ended with such a cliffhanger!" or "The book was so good, but it had a cliffhanger ending. I hope the autor writes a real cliffhanger." Cliffhanger is a word that is used to describe endings or situations that leave you wondering what will happen next. It is a word that can make you feel curious, anxious, or eager to know more.

2023.04.23. 1회차 Feedback

  • 시간은 일요일 10시-12시
  • 약 50분 Small talk + 10분 Break + 50분 Talk about a show + Wrap up
  • 한 주에 한 편
  • agenda 질문은 약 10개 정도로 준비. 수요일까지 업로드.
  • 그 다음주의 리더는 매주 자발적으로 지원하여 진행.
  • 시즌 2는 페미니즘, 선정적 장면이 다수 있어서 계속 시청하기 힘들 수 있다는 의견. Let's see. 이 쇼로 지속하기 어렵다고 판단되면 다른 프로그램으로 변경 가능!
  • The Bold Type is a show that follows three young women who work at a women's magazine in New York City. The show explores various topics related to feminism and sexuality, such as race, privilege, consent, LGBTQ+ issues, and more. According to the search results, season 2 of The Bold Type continues to address these themes in an accessible and positive way. There are also some sexual scenes in season 2, but they are not explicit or gratuitous. They are meant to show the characters' growth and challenges in their romantic relationships.
  • 밴드에 활동 게시물이 지속적으로 올려놓는다면 모임에 대한 관심이 늘어날 것이다.
