Get an Uphold Wallet | Coil Docs
Buy & Sell BTC, XRP, Equities And MORE In Seconds - Uphold
At Uphold, we make it easy to buy and sell any major digital currency. You can invest, transfer or send/receive over 40 cryptocurrencies, 23 traditional currencies, 4 precious metals and 50 American equities.
Monetize your website
To monetize your personal website simply add the following <meta> tag to the <head> section of all the pages you wish to monetize.
<meta name="monetization" content="$">
Q: Do I have to pay to publish on Coil?#
No. Anyone with a Coil account can publish content for free. The only time you need to pay is if you want to support other creators and access their exclusive content.
Q: Do I get paid for public posts?#
Yes, you get paid for all content when Coil Members view your posts, even when they're fully public. The difference is that if you have members-only content, then only Coil Members can see it.
Q: Why doesn't Web Monetization work when I view my own blog posts?#
We disable Web Monetization when you view your own posts.
Q: What kind of content can I post?#
You can post any kind of content you want except for what's prohibited by our Terms of Service.
Q: Can I add a tag or category to my post?#
We don't support tags or categories at this time.
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