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Reflection & Recommendation for two months in Austin

by FrankUniq 2020. 2. 27.


두려워하지 않았으면 좋겠다. 어학원에 다니는 두 달이라는 시간이 지금은 어느새 한 주를 남겨두고 있고 아직 많은 곳을 다녀보지 못해 두 달이 아주 짧게 여겨지고 있다. 나는 오스틴에 도착한 이틀째부터 Meetup에 참여하는 등 사람들을 자주 만나러 다녔다. 그러나 시간과 관심이 맞는 곳은 대개 저녁에 진행되었고 첫주에는 비도 자주 오고 금방 어두워졌다.

 오스틴의 버스는 자주 다니지 않고 목적지나 집에서 버스 정류장이 멀리 떨어진 경우가 많아 어두운 밤거리를 걷기 무서워서 몇 번의 행사는 포기했었다.

다행히 UT(University of Texas)가 1월 21일에 개강한 후부터 밤에도 거리에 사람들이 많아지기도 했고 나도 점차 적응해 처음보다 더 자주 밖을 돌아다닐 수 있었다.

오스틴은 분명 서울만큼 밤이 밝은 도시는 아니다. 대중교통시스템이 버스밖에 없는데 자주 오지도, 많은 곳을 가지도 않는다. 그러나 집 근처까지 데려다주는 호의를 베푸는 사람들도 많으니 용기내어 저녁모임도 가보는 것을 추천한다. 또는 도보시간이 5분을 넘지 않는 곳은 다닐만하다.

인터뷰로 인해 더 깊은 이야기를 들을 수 있었고 다양한 삶의 방식을 생각해보게 되었다.

나는 직업을 가진 채 내가 좋아하는 것을 즐기고 자주 여행을 다니며 새로운 사람들을 종종 만나고 새로운 생각들을 새기고 싶다. 

I hope people who started to live in foreign countries are not afraid of going outside. Two months of attending a language school is now one week away, and I haven't been to many places yet. Since the second day I arrived in Austin, I’ve met the locals frequently, including participating in Meetups. But the events that I’m interested in were usually in the evening and it often rained and the road quickly became too dark. Austin's buses do not travel often and the bus stops are far from my destination or my home, so I was afraid of walking on streets at dark night and gave up several events. Fortunately, there are many people on streets at night since UT(University of Texas) began the classes as well as I gradually adapted so now I go outside more often than the first week. Austin is definitely not a city as bright as Seoul. Bus is the only public transportation in Austin and it doesn't come often or go to many places. However, there are also lots of people who do favors to take you home, so I recommend you to put aside your worries and go to some meetings. In addition, where the walking distance is less than 5 minutes is pretty good to go, feeling not that dangerous.

I like the phrase ‘Keep Austin Weird’ and people love weirdness of Austin but I don’t know if Austin is weird. It doesn’t look strange but just normal to me. Maybe I may not have noticed weirdness of Austin even though I went somewhere weird. However, I liked that people like the weirdness and love Austin so before I came to Austin, I thought it’s a little shame that Austin has not many things to do, but now, I think two months is too short to live and enjoy much stuff to do in Austin or one city. This project got me to hear deeper stories from people who I met for the first time and think about various ways of life. I wish to have a job, enjoy what I like, travel frequently, meet new people often, and keep developing myself from more experience.


Here are the groups and events I signed up for two months. I encourage you to meet various people upon your preference. I hope the groups that I listed below will help you experience something new.

<All events that I joined through the groups below>

< Facebook Group >

New To Austin 20/30s

Girls New to Austin! #GN2A

ATX Women's Run Club

Girls Who Hike™ TX

Women Who Explore: Austin, TX and Area

Tex-Mex and Mexican Recipes


JOBS - Girls New to Austin

Austin Jobs & Who's Hiring

SUBLEASE & RENTALS - Girls New to Austin 

UT Austin / Sublets / Rentals / Roommates

UT Austin Sublets/Roommate Finder

< Meet Up that I signed up >

All Things Korean

Austin Art Lovers

Austin Data

Austin Data Science

Austin Data Visualization

Austin Deep Learning

Austin Informal Running Club: Home of TMIRCE:ATX

Austin Job Seekers, Recruiters, and Career Warriors

Austin Korean Language and Culture Group

Austin Natural Language Processing

Austin R User Group

Austin Runners Meetup

Austin Shopify eCommerce & Digital Marketing Meetup

Austin Travel Mates

Austin: Hiking For Tacos

AWESOME AUSTIN! I'm young, social, in Austin! 20's 30's fun.

Guided Hikes on the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve

Hey, You’re Cool!!! Let’s Do Sh*t together!!!

Hiking, Walking, and Socializing

Internationals in Austin

Learn Machine Learning

Learn to Code Austin

LinkedIn Local ATX

Marketing? Ask Me Anything...

PyData Austin

Rebuilding Your Empowered Self (Women Ages 24+/30s/40s)

Walking With You - Social Hiking for Healthier Living

Welcome to America! - Practice, Learn & Improve Your English
